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Peace Valley Landowner Association has reached our fundraising goal

We are happy to announce that the Peace Valley Landowner Association has reached our fundraising goal to pay off our bills incurred in the BCUC Site C Hearing process of last fall. We wish to thank all those who helped us reach that goal, and your support was very much appreciated.

Now at this critical time , the West Moberly First Nations and Prophet River First Nation head to court to seek a stop work injunction while their strong civil case moves forward. They have a very strong case with the issue of treaty rights infringement finally being examined.

You can follow the court case at:

WMFN/PRFN also have the testimony of a renowned civil engineer who has just recently gained access to documents that were previously withheld by BC Hydro showing the extent of ongoing problems at the Site C dam:

Thanks again, Ken


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Ken Boon, President

(250) 262-9014


14818 Highway 29N

Bear Flat, BC  V1J 8J2

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